World Toilet Day – 19 November

How many times do you visit your toilet each day? How much loo roll do you use? How many times do you wash your hands afterwards then leave the bathroom and continue with your day? It’s hard for us to imagine a world in which toilets are a scarce and...

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Grandmother and children in Tharaka Nithi

Love Your Neighbour as Yourself

Today is International Day of Charity. A day that recognises the vital role that charity plays in alleviating human suffering. A year ago this month we set out on the nerve-wracking journey of building Speak 31 from the ground up using nothing more than our overwhelming desire to help make...

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Menstrual Hygiene Day – Saturday 28 May

  “The girl with her period is the one to hang her head”. In Kenya menstruation is shameful and dirty. Women and girls on their periods are isolated from society. They must sit separately; they are forbidden from working the family’s livestock for fear that they will contaminate them. They...

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Four children looking up at the camera

Launch Day! The Journey Begins…

‘We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone’. When thoughts collide, circumstances align, passion is ignited, and seeds of faith and trust are watered, by the grace of God something special can grow. Seven months ago three children living in extreme poverty came into our lives. Their homes in...

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Children playing over an open sewer in Kibera

World Water Day

'You don't know what God wants to give you, and you don't know who is asking you for a drink. If you did, you would ask me for the water that gives life.' (John 4:10) It's midnight in Kayole. Night has fallen once again on a slum village home to...

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